Make A Profit From The Referral and Not Be Concerned About Violating Anti-kickback Statutes.
By Kenneth J. Haber, Esq. Mr. Haber is a former Assistant United States Attorney and former Senior Attorney for the Office of Inspector General – United States Department of Health and Human Services. After leaving federal service, Mr. Haber founded this firm in 1984 and has been servicing healthcare practitioners ever since.
What most practice groups and hospitals are unaware of, the Office of Inspector General [OIG], one of this author’s prior employers, is empowered by Congress to issue Advisory Opinions. This includes arrangements that would otherwise be considered improper and violations of the applicable statutes, except for safeguards instituted by the Requestors and approved by the OIG, so as to minimize any incentives for wrongdoing. An experienced Healthcare Attorney, like those at the Law Office of Kenneth Joel Haber, P.C., [tel. 301-670-0016] can assist in procuring such an OIG Advisory Opinion. Also, privately written Healthcare Attorney legal opinions are also available through this firm. There exist differences in these two types of opinions and you can call this office to speak to an Attorney in order to be informed of the differences. As it is said in healthcare, if it is not in writing it does not exist.
Using advisory opinion can save money. These issues are what an experienced Healthcare Attorney must deal with and they are not for amateurs. Similarly, the same caution applies to private Healthcare Attorney opinion letters. As always, please feel free to contact this firm regarding this article or any other healthcare issue for a no obligation initial consultation. You may initiate the consultation through our comment box by leaving your telephone number or by calling the firm at 301-670-0016 and asking for Kenneth Haber. Thank you and do not forget to refer us to a colleague if you find this information helpful.