Archive for September, 2017

Healthcare fraud lawyer: when you need one?

September 5th, 2017

Healthcare frauds skim substantial money from the government, draining the funds that should have gone to the needy. And thus, a number of agencies of government are tasked to investigate frauds armed with traditional and whistle blowing laws. More and more cases are getting revealed with the use of technology, big data analysis and as more records are put on for public access. The number of people prosecuted under healthcare fraud is mounting with new developments.

The role of healthcare fraud lawyer has become important, as more healthcare givers are facing the heat. The prosecution can lead to jail time, criminal charges, high compensation, deportation, and license cancellation. Along with health care personnel, patients, who knowingly share medicare details for kickbacks, also face all such consequences.

It becomes crucial to get service of health care lawyer when charged with following allegation, as mishandling of case can have grave implications, as mentioned.

  • Medicare coverage claims for health problems that the patients do not have
  • Claiming coverage under the governmental programs for staged auto accident injuries—typically back and neck pain—with aim to commit fraud
  • Claiming Medicare or Medicaid assistance for exaggerated or completely falsified dependencies like alcohol-dependency treatment
  • Using phony names, forged documentation or Medicare number to file claims under medicare and medicaid
  • Coverage claims under Medicare or Medicaid for health care at home, home chore service, physiotherapy, or any other treatments, which never were rendered
  • Knowingly sharing information about the medicare number and information for kickbacks or money

As government agencies like FBI get involved in the investigation and prosecution in the above-mentioned accusations, healthcare fraud lawyer, with experience to handle such cases, become indispensible, as consequences are grave. There, when looking for an attorney, always look for an attorney who knows the laws, worked with similar cases as yours, mitigated allegations successfully.